Que. 1: What will be the criteria for appearing in these assessment tests?

Ans.: The students after completing the 1st/ 2nd year of practical training are eligible to appear in these assessment tests in the subsequent quarter of completion of the same.   For example, a student completing his/her 1st/ 2nd year of practical training during Aprilâ�� June, 2018 will be supposed to appear in the respective test during Augustâ��September, 2018. These students will however, be given an extension till December, 2018 to appear in these tests.

Que. 2: When is the first test and who all are eligible to appear for these assessment tests? Is the first date applicable for both 1st and 2nd level tests?

Ans.: The first test will be on August 26, 2018 (now postponed, click here to read) and the students who have completed their 1st/ 2nd year during Aprilâ��June, 2018 are eligible to appear for this test. 1st and 2nd level tests will be held on same dates.

Que. 3: What is the syllabus for these tests?

Ans.: These tests are being introduced to assess the knowledge gained by the students during the course of practical training and their ability to apply their subject specific skills while undergoing their training in that particular area. Hence, there is no defined syllabus for these tests. However, fields in which practical training is being imparted have been identified.

Que. 4: Whether all the modules will be compulsory? If no, what are the available options?

Ans.: Two modules (Accounting and Auditing (including Corporate Laws)) will be compulsory whereas students will have to choose one/two modules out of the available options for the 1st/ 2nd level test respectively, as per their specialization areas during practical training. The available options are:

S No
First Year
 Second Year
Direct Tax
Direct Tax including International Taxation
Indirect Tax
Indirect Tax
Internal Audit
Internal Audit

Que. 5: Which are the compulsory modules and which are the optional modules for 1st level test?

Ans.: In the 1st level test, Accounting and Auditing (including Corporate Laws) of 50 marks will be compulsory and students would be selecting one optional module (comprising of 25 marks) out of Direct Tax, Indirect Tax and Internal Audit, as per their practical training specialisation area.

Que. 6: Which are the compulsory modules and which are the optional modules for 2nd level test?

Ans.: In the 2nd level test, Accounting and Auditing (including Corporate Laws) of 50 marks will be compulsory and students would be selecting two optional modules (comprising of 25 marks each) out of Direct Tax (including International Taxation), Indirect Tax and Internal Audit, as per their practical training specialisation areas.   

Que. 7: What is the duration of the 1st level test?

Ans.: 2 hours

Que. 8: What will be the maximum marks for the 1st level test?

Ans.: 75 marks

Que. 9: What is the duration of the 2nd level test?

Ans.: 3 hours

Que. 10: What will be the maximum marks for the 2nd level test?

Ans.: 100 marks

Que. 11: What is the purpose behind conducting these tests?

Ans.: These tests will help students to self�assess themselves and know as to what they have learnt during their training.

Que. 12: Will the tests be MCQ based or subjective?

Ans.: Tests will be MCQ based.

Que. 13: Will the tests be through online or pen�paper mode?

Ans.: Tests will be conducted through online mode at the designated centres.

Que. 14: Is any fee required to be submitted for appearing in the test(s)?

Ans.: For the first time for both levels, no test fee is to be paid by the students. However, in case a student reâ��appears in the particular test for improving his/her grade, a nominal fee will be charged from the students.

Que. 15: Where can I register for these tests?

Ans.: For registration to these tests, a portal (https://pttest.icai.org) is made available to the students.

Que. 16: I have completed the practical training recently. Am I required to appear for any of these tests?

Ans.: Since you have completed the practical training, you are not required to appear for any of these tests.

Que. 17: I have completed second year of practical training before April 1, 2018. Am I required to appear for any of these tests?

Ans.: Since you have completed second year of practical training before April 1, 2018, you are not required to appear for any of these tests.

Que. 18: I have completed first year of practical training before April 1, 2018. Am I required to appear for first level test?

Ans.: Since you have completed first year of practical training before April 1, 2018, you are not required to appear for first level test. However, you will be required to appear for second level test after completion of second year of practical training.

Que. 19: I will be completing first/ second year of practical training during Julyâ��September, 2018. When will I be required to appear for the test? 

Ans.: Since you will be completing first/ second year of practical training during the third quarter, i.e. Julyâ��September, 2018, you will be required to appear in the test in the fourth quarter, i.e. Octoberâ��December, 2018.

Que. 20: If I will not be able to appear for the test in the designated quarter, will I be allowed to appear in the next quarter?

Ans.: The test has to be attempted in the subsequent quarter of completion of 1st/ 2nd year of practical training. However, exigencies may be considered.

Que. 21: In case I do not appear in the test(s), what will be the consequences?

Ans.: If you do not appear in any test, your marksheet will show “Not Appeared” against practical training assessment for that particular level. 

Que. 22: Where will the tests be conducted?

Ans.: The test will be conducted at 160+ cities across the country. The test centres have been notified on the registration portal. The students can opt for test centre while registering for the test.

Que. 23: Can the tests be submitted online from our homes/ offices?

Ans.: The tests cannot be submitted online from your homes/ offices. You have to appear in these test at the designated test centres only.

Que. 24: When will I get the result of these tests?

Ans.: The result of these tests will be notified to the students on their login within a week.

Que. 25: How can I prepare for these tests?

Ans.: You are required to take your practical training seriously and application of concepts will be tested in these assessments. The modules have also been mentioned above. Sample questions for practice have been uploaded in BoS Knowledge Portal on the Institute website. More questions will be uploaded on the BoS Knowledge Portal for practice purposes in due course.

Que. 26: Will there be any negative marking in these tests?

Ans.: There is no negative marking in these tests.

Que. 27: I have registered for practical training in City A and from there, I have been deputed to work in City B for audit purpose. Where can I register for the test?

Ans.: You can register for the test from anywhere and select the test centre preference accordingly while registering.

Que. 28: Under my principal, I am working in X field, say Accounting/ Auditing/ Taxation etc. and I am not in touch with other fields practically. But in the test, students have to attempt questions in 3 or 4 modules. How will I be getting the practical knowledge in all the subjects for appearing in the test?

Ans.: To cater to this issue only, optional modules have been introduced. You may opt for any 1/2 modules from the choices available. Accounting and Auditing are considered the key subjects in CA curriculum which every aspiring Chartered Accountant should know thoroughly.

Que. 29: I had taken a break in my articleship training due to which, first/ second year of my training has completed after April 1, 2018. Am I required to appear for these tests?

Ans.: Since effectively your first/ second year of practical training has completed after April 1, 2018, you are required to appear for both/ second level test(s) respectively.

Que. 30: Is it applicable for students appearing in November, 2018 examination?

Ans.: These tests are applicable as per the completion of first/ second year of practical training, irrespective of your appearing in November, 2018 examination.

Que. 31: I have not cleared Intermediate level examination and I am in second year of Articleship training. Will I be tested for Final level syllabus?

Ans.: These tests are not having any preâ��defined syllabus. The questions will be based on the understanding gathered during the practical training only.

Que. 32: If I am not satisfied with the grade I received, will I be allowed to re�appear in the test?

Ans.: If you are not satisfied with your grade, you will be given two more chances to re�appear in the test. A nominal fee will be charged for every extra attempt. The best grade will be considered for inclusion in the marksheet.

Que. 33: If after re�appearing in the test, I get even lower grade, will the first grade be mentioned in the marksheet or the later one?

Ans.: The better of the two grades will be mentioned in the marksheet.

Que 34: Where should I contact in case of any queries/ clarifications required?

Ans.: For queries/ clarifications, you may call Board of Studies at 0120â��3876870/ 3045927 or mail to PTassessment@icai.in.

35. Examination Centres:

The Institute reserves its right to withdraw any centre and / or the Zone and / or transfer all or a part of the candidates of a zone to another zone at any stage without assigning any reason. Once a city is opted for, no change is allowed under any circumstances.

36. How the application form should reach the Institute?

The application form is only to be submitted online. There is no need to submit any print out of the application form at the office of the Institute. However, you may keep the copy for your own records at least till the release of admit cards.

37. Eligibility:

The students who have completed their 1st / 2nd year of practical training during the second quarter of 2018, i.e. Aprilâ�� June, 2018 would be eligible to appear on October 21, 2018 and December 2, 2018.

The students who have completed their 1st / 2nd year of practical training during the third quarter of 2018, i.e. July�September, 2018 would be eligible to appear on October 21, 2018 and December 2, 2018.

38. Issuance of Admit Card:

The Admit Card for the test will be available on this portal 5 days before the test date and candidates are requested to take a printout of the same. No physical admit cards will be issued.

In case of any technical difficulty, kindly e-mail or call Help Desk given under "Contact Us" section.

39. Details of Test:

This will be an Objective Type MCQ based examination of 75 marks for 1st Level and 100 marks for 2nd Level. There will be no negative marking.

There would be no reading time. Candidates should reach examination centre 30 minutes prior to the examination. Late arrival of candidates will not be permitted. Candidates will not be permitted to leave the examination hall till the conclusion of the test.

40. Grading System:

Students will be assigned grades based on their performance in the assessment as below:

80% and above – A grade

60% and above but below 80% – B grade

40% and above but below 60% – C grade

Below 40% – D grade

41. Examination Fee:

A candidate will not be required to pay the test fee when he/she applies for the test for the first time. If he/she applies for the test for the second/ third time for improvement in the grade, he/she will be required to submit a nominal fee, for which details will be notified later.

For any/all dispute(s) relating to the Test conducted by the ICAI, the Courts at Delhi shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

NOTE : In the event of furnishing any incorrect information / misrepresentation, the application shall become invalid and no correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.

42. How to fill up Online Application Form?

Step – 1: Login to the portal

The applicant shall visit the website https://pttest.icai.org, Click on Login link on the home page and enter his/her Student Registration number along with Date Of Birth as per ICAI records. These details will be validated with our database of candidates.

In case these details are not validated, the applicant will not be able to register for the examination.

The applicant will fill the details and upload the photograph and Signature. Uploading of image as jpeg / jpg files is mandatory. The size of image should not be more than 50KB. Please do not include dots in the name of files (eg. Incorrect naming A.P.Kumar.jpg, Correct naming APKumar.jpg).

Step – 2:

The candidates are advised to check the application status through the link “Login” to check whether the application has been captured successfully by the portal.

43. Declaration of result:

The result will be available on this portal (https://pttest.icai.org) only. Candidates are advised in their own interest to print the same for their record. No separate statement of grades will be issued.

(Also read: ICAI postponed first examination of Practical Training)

(Also read: Assessment of CA Students after completion of 1st and 2nd year of Practical Training)

(Also read: Pattern of Assessment for CA Intermediate and Final from May 2019 Examination)

(Also read: ICAI Covered Old Course also for Change in Pattern of Examination from May 2019)

(Also read: CA exam form for November 2018)

Disclaimer: The above post includes some content used from ICAI website and executed on this website for fair use only. As this website is of educational nature, hence the content is used for education and awareness to the public.