The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has released a notification on 25 June 2018 regarding change in pattern of Examination of CA Intermediate and CA Final applicable from May 2019 for New Course only but today (26 June 2018), the ICAI updated the said notification issued earlier by covering Old Course as well.
Here is the latest and updated notification.
Students appearing in the Intermediate and Final Examinations may please note that beginning from May, 2019 attempt, assessment in the following subjects would be partially based on objective type questions:
A. Intermediate Level - New Course:
1. Corporate and Other Laws (Paper-2)
2. Taxation (Paper-4)
3. Auditing & Assurance (Paper-6)
4. Enterprise Information System & Strategic Management (Paper-7)
B. Intermediate Level - Old Course:
1. Business Laws, Ethics & Communication (Paper-2)
2. Taxation (Paper-4)
3. Auditing & Assurance (Paper-6)
4. Information Technology & Strategic Management (Paper-7)
C. Final Level - New Course:
1. Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics (Paper-3)
2. Corporate and Economic Laws (Paper-4)
3. Direct Tax Laws and International Taxation (Paper-7)
4. Indirect Tax Laws (Paper-8)
D. Final Level - Old Course:
1. Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics (Paper-3)
2. Corporate and Allied Laws (Paper-4)
3. Direct Tax Laws (Paper-7)
4. Indirect Tax Laws (Paper-8)
In each of the above papers, the weightage for objective type questions would be 30%. The remaining questions i.e., 70% of the paper would be as per the present pattern of assessment. The objective type questions will be in the nature of multiple choice questions having 1 or more marks. There will be no negative marking for wrong answers. It may be noted that objective type questions will be compulsory and there will be no internal or external choice in them.
Further details in this regard would be hosted on the Institute’s website shortly.
Click here to read the earlier notification which is of no use after issuing the updated one.
Copy of updated announcement is also enclosed.
Disclaimer: The above post includes some content used from ICAI website and executed on this website for fair use only. As this website is of educational nature, hence the content is used for education and awareness to the public.