This is to inform you that the Ministry of Corporate Affairs vide Order dated 17.12.2020 has extended the applicability date of Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2020 for one more year, i.e. for the financial years commencing on or after the 1st April, 2021. Accordingly, CARO, 2020 will be applicable from FY 2021-22 and onwards.

Order is available at (click here).

Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2020 can be accessed at (click here).

(Also read: Details of cheque to be submitted electronically by issuer as reconfirmation)

(Also read: File complaint if any detail on product package is not legible or missing)

(Also read: Details of cheque to be submitted electronically by issuer as reconfirmation)

(Also read: Divorced daughter will be entitled to receive Family Pension)

(Also read: Revised instructions on opening of Current Accounts)

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