The attention of the students who are appearing in November 2020 ICAI examination is drawn to the following modifications in the schedule announced so far:

A. For Bihar and other states students where the elections are to be held:

  1. For the students appearing from the examination centers wherein Legislative Assembly Elections in Bihar and Parliamentary By- Elections /Assembly By- Elections announced in different place(s) of different states, ICAI had informed to intimate the revised schedule at such locations for students who had opted for the examination Centre from the State of Bihar and Parliamentary By- Elections /Assembly By- Elections announced in different place(s) of different states to be held in November 2020.
  2. It is brought to the notice of all such students that said examination, shall now be held on 19th, 21st, 23rd and 25th November 2020 in place of 02nd, 03rd, 06th and 07th November 2020 respectively. It is also notified that the respective papers/list of centres statewise wherein Legislative Assembly Elections in Bihar and Parliamentary By- Elections /Assembly By- Elections announced in different place(s) of different states will be informed separately.

B. All India students (including Bihar):

  1. For students appearing at Foundation level in November 2020 examinations, it is brought to the notice of all students that said examination, shall now be held on 19th, 21st, 23rd and 25th November 2020 and paperwise schedule shall be informed separately.
  2. Option to opt out from November 2020 attempt for all levels:
    • “Opt Out” option to the students who are suffering from COVID 19 or having symptoms of diseases shall be provided on self-declaration basis and this option shall continue in operation during the conduct of entire November 2020 Examinations. The said scheme shall also be applicable to Centres/place of residence of student which turn out to be the containment zone during the exam dates. They will be allowed to carry forward their candidature with due carryover of all benefits already available to students including fee paid and exemptions for next examination, i.e., May 2021 examination cycle.
  3. Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) for students appearing in November 2020 examination:
  • A detailed instruction sheet containing the Do’s and Don’ts for all students appearing in the November 2020 examination is being issued separately (Click here).

(Also read: ICAI issues guidelines for Students, Exam Centres and Centre Superintendents for November 2020 exams)

(Also read: ICAI reopens correction window for seeking change in November 2020 exams)

(Also read: ICAI issues FAQs regarding Practical Training during Lockdown and Unlock period)

(Also read: Subject wise MCQs with Answers for CA Students)

(Also read: How to Register for CA Course)

(Also read: How to order Study Material at your doorsteps by Centralized Distribution System (CDS) of ICAI)

Disclaimer: The above post includes some content used from ICAI website and executed on this website for fair use only. As this website is of educational nature, hence the content is used for education and awareness to the public.