As a consumer we see number of cases where the consumers are overcharged but we could not raise our voice due to lack of knowledge of our rights. The Government has initiated various steps in this regard including Consumer Forum, Jago Grahag Jago, Integrated Grievance Redressal Mechanism, National Consumer Helpline (NCH) etc. Lets discuss as to how to register the consumer complaints and related queries:

Que.1: What kind of grievances can be registered?

Ans: All grievances related to consumer issues.

Que.2: Who is Consumer?

Ans: A Consumer is a person who purchases a product or avails a service for a consideration, either for his personal use or to earn his livelihood by means of self employment. The consideration may be: paid, promised, partly paid and partly promised.

It also includes a beneficiary of such goods/services when such use is made with the approval of such person.

Que.3: How one can register the complaint?

Ans: There are 5 options to register the complaint:

Option-1: Calling toll free number 1800-11-4000 or 14404 (All days from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm except national holiday)

Option-2: Online ( by registering

Option-3: SMS on 8130009809 and you’ll receive call

Option-4: Through National Consumer Helpline (NCH) App

Option-5: Through UMANG  App

(Also read: Payment of Service Charge at Hotels and Restaurants is not mandatory)

Que.4: What next to registering the complaint?

Ans: After registering the complaint, a unique docket number is generated and given. Grievances received are sent to the concerned company / agency / regulator / ombudsman, as the case may be, for speedy redress. Action taken is updated on real time basis by the concerned agency. As a follow up action, these agencies are reminded at stipulated interval.

Que.5: How to track the status of complaint?

Ans: The status of the Grievance can be tracked from the portal under the link a “Track your Grievance” without loging into the portal.

Que.6: What is the time period for redressal of complaint?

Ans: It may take up to a maximum of 60 days to arrive at a logical conclusion.

Que.7: Who will be the contact person in the Department of Consumer Affairs?

Ans: A.) Address: Director (PG) Department Of Consumer Affairs,

Krishi Bhawan. New Delhi - 110001

B.) Email:

C.) Phone Numbers: Director PG: 011-23387737

Project Director NCH: 011-23468349

Project Manager NCH: 011-23708398

For any technical issue: 011-23381689

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Disclaimer: The above post includes some content used from NCH website and executed on this website for fair use only. As this website is of educational nature, hence the content is used for education and awareness to the public.