No person shall drive a motor vehicle in any public place unless he holds an effective Driving licence issued to him authorizing him to drive the vehicle.

1. Types of Driving License

a. Learner Licence:

This is a temporary licence valid up to 6 month only. It is issued to learn driving of Motor Vehicles.

b. Permanent Licence:

One become eligible for permanent licence after expiry of one month, up to six month from the date of issuing the learner licence.

2. Class of Vehicles

(a) Motor Cycle without gear
(b) Motor Cycle with gear
(c) Invalid Carriage
(d) Light Motor Vehicle (NT)
(e) Transport Vehicles
(f) Road Roller
(g) Motor Vehicles of a specified description

3. Learner’s Licence

Learner’s Licence is a temporary licence valid upto 6 month only. It is issued to learn driving of Motor Vehicles. The provision of sub-section (1) of section 3 shall not apply to a person while receiving instructions or gaining experience in driving with the object of presenting himself for a test of competence to drive a motor vehicle. There is painted in the front and the rear of the vehicle or on a plate or card affixed to the front and the rear, the letter “L” in red on a white background.

4. Documents required for Learner’s Licence

The following documents along with Learner’s Licence Form, are required for obtaining of a Learners’ Licence.

(i)    Application- cum - Declaration as to physical fitness, Form-1

(ii)   Two copies of applicant’s recent passport size photograph.

(iii)  Valid Form-1A (for transport vehicle license and for applicants above 40 years of age in case of other categories)

(iv)   Application for grant of learner’s license Form – 2 

(v)    Self-Attested copy of proof of residence 

(vi)   Self-Attested copy of proof of age 

(vii)  Self-Attested copy of proof of Educational Qualification- minimum 8th standard Pass (for transport vehicle’s license)

(viii) Copy of effective light motor vehicle driving license, already held for at least one year (in case of transport vehicle learner’s license) and completed the age of 20 years on the date of application.

(ix)   Prescribed fee. 

5. Eligibility for obtaining a Lerner’s Licence

Section 4 provides that a person who has completed sixteen years of age may obtain a driving licence to drive a motor cycle without gear whose engine capacity does not exceed 50 cc with the consent of parent/guardian of the applicant.

To drive a motor vehicle other than a transport vehicle, the person must have completed eighteen (18) years of age on the date of application.

 6. Criteria /Procedure to issue a Lerner’s Licence

After verification of the documents applicant will have to go through a learner test. Before learner test, color blindness inspection and movements of limbs is carried out. A computer based multiple choice objective test is conducted and whoever correctly answers sixty percent questions put to him is declared pass.

A question bank about the contents of learner's test like Road signs, Traffic rules & regulations for the learners licence is provided on the website of the department.

The learner licence is issued to the applicant on the same day. The Learner’s Licence is valid for a period of six months from the date of issue.

Note: Please refer the Question Bank for Learner License attached in last of the post.

7. Learner’s Licence for E-Rickshaw/E-Cart

An oral based preliminary test in place of computerized test is conducted by putting objective type questions on the matters referred in Rule-11 of CMVR to the E-rickshaw learner’s licences.

8. Documents for E-cart

The following documents are required.

1.    Application-cum-declaration as to physical fitness Form-1

2.    Medical certificate in Form-1A.

3.    Application for grant of Learner’’ Licence in Form-2

4.    Self-Attested Proof of residence 

5.    Self-Attested Proof of age

6.    Appropriate fee as specified in Rule-32 of CMVR, 1989.

9. Procedure to issue an E-Rickshaw/E-Cart

The applicant shall apply to the licensing authority in whose jurisdiction he/she resides, applicant must have completed 20 years of age.

10. Permanent Driving Licence

No person shall drive a motor vehicle in any public place unless he holds an effective Driving licence issued to him authorizing him to drive vehicle of that particular category.

11. Documents required for Permanent Driving Licence

1.    Form – 4
2.    An effective Learners License (original)
3.    copy of applicant recent passport size photograph
4.    Driving certificate, Form – 5,14 & 15 (for transport vehicles license)
5.    Prescribed fee as specified in Rule-32 of CMVR, 1989.

12. Eligibility Criteria for obtaining a Permanent Driving Licence

No person shall appear for the test of competence to drive unless he has held a learner’s licence for a period of at least thirty days. The applicant should apply after one (01) months and within six (06) months from the date of issuance of his learner’s licence and should be conversant about the vehicle systems, driving, traffic rules & regulations.
