The ICAI has released the online examination form for November 2018 attempt. All candidates in respect of Foundation, Intermediate (IPC), Intermediate (Revised Scheme) & Final Examinations (Existing & Revised Scheme) will be required to apply online at ICAI examination website and also pay the applicable examination fee online only.

A. Steps:

1. Go to the ICAI examination website

2. Click on "Login/Register" tab

3. If you have not registered yet or applying first time then register yourself by providing your credentials

4. If you have already registered, then just login by proving your login credentials

5. Click on the "Online Exam Form - November 2018" option

6. Fill the accurate details

7. Pay fees

8. Generate PDF file of the exam application form

9. Print and keep it to you for future reference (No need to send it to ICAI)

B. Important Dates:

i. Start Date: 06 August 2018 (10:00 Hrs IST)

ii. Last date without late fee: 27 August 2018

iii. Last date with late fee: 04 September 2018 (17:30 Hrs IST)

C. Fees:

1. IPCC:

i. Single Group: 1500

ii. Both Groups: 2700

iii. Late fee: 600 (in addition to above fee)

2. Final:

i. Single Group: 1800

ii. Both Groups: 3300

iii. Late fee: 600 (in addition to above fee)

(Also read: Relevant Study Material applicable for November 2018 examination for CA Final (old) for Corporate and Allied Laws (Paper-4)

(Also read: ICAI introduces Unique Document Identification No. (UDIN) for CAs in Practice)