Earlier an online facility was made available by EPFO for submitting Applications for Validation of Option /Joint Options for pension on higher wages. The facility was for eligible pensioners / members in compliance with the Hon’ble Supreme Court order dated 04.11.2022. The facility was launched on 26.02.2023 and was to remain available only till 03.05.2023. However, considering the representations of the employees, the time limit was extended to 26.06.2023 in order to provide complete four months’ time to eligible pensioners / members for filing applications.

A last opportunity of 15 days was further given to remove any difficulty faced by the eligible pensioners/ members. Accordingly, the last date for submission of Applications for Validation of Option / Joint Options by employees was extended to 11.07.2023.  17.49 lakh Applications for Validation of Option / Joint Options have been received from pensioners / members till 11.07.2023.

In view of representations received from Employers & Employers’ Associations wherein requests were made to extend time period for uploading wage details of applicant pensioners / members, the employers were also given further period of three months to submit wage details etc. online latest by 30.09.2023. This time was further extended till 31.12.2023 because many representations were received from Employers & Employers’ Associations wherein requests were made to extend further time-period for uploading wage details of applicant pensioners / members.

More than 3.6 lakh Applications for Validation of Option / Joint Options are still pending with the employers for processing.

Therefore, in order to ensure that employers process these remaining Applications for Validation of Option / Joint Options, the Chairman, CBT EPF has kindly approved the proposal to grant another extension of time for the employers for uploading wage details online etc till 31st May, 2024.

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Disclaimer: The above post includes some content used from PIB website and executed on this website for fair use only. As this website is of educational nature, hence the content is used for education and awareness to the public.

Title Tags: Employers Get Another 5 Months to Upload Higher Wage Pension Details; EPFO Extends Deadline for Higher Wage Pension Data Upload; EPFO Grants Extension for Upload of Higher Wage Pension Information; EPFO Delays Deadline for Uploading Higher Wage Pension Details; EPFO Extends Window for Employers to Upload Higher Wage Pension Data; EPFO Extends Deadline for Uploading Wage Details; EPFO Grants Extra Time to Claim Higher Pension Benefits; EPFO Deadline Extension Saves Higher Pension Dreams; EPFO Extends Timeline for Employers to Upload Wage Data; EPFO Postpones Deadline for Uploading Wage Details; EPFO Deadline Extension for Higher Wage Pension Claims Ends Soon; EPFO Gives Final Extension for Higher Wage Pension Data Upload; Final Warning from EPFO as Higher Wage Pension Deadline Nears; Secure Your Higher Pension Before the EPFO Deadline Expires; EPFO Extends Deadline for Higher Wage Pension Data Upload; EPFO Delays Uploading Deadline for Higher Wage Pension; More Time to Comply with Higher Wage Pension Regulations; EPFO Extends Deadline for Higher Wage Pension Uploads; Extension Granted for Employers to Handle Higher Wage Pension Data