Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) - a PSU under the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas has announced the launch of “UFill” - a digital customer experience which delivers on BPCL’s promise of ensuring that their customers have complete control over Time, Technology and Transparency as part of their fueling experience. With UFill, the invitation to customers is to “Fast forward your fill”, leveraging the latest in digital technology which obviates the need for looking at zero or final reading and such offline manual interventions.

The UFill proposition has been launched in 65 cities across India and will soon be launched across the country. The company said that the UFill functionality is swift, secure and smart. For a customer looking for a change in the way he does his fueling, this is an easy and convenient solution.

The UFill provides various features like:

  • It does not need any App download (i.e., customer can use any payment app already downloaded on his/her phone like GPay, PayTM, PhonePe etc).
  • Offers real time QR and voucher code through SMS and is accepted at all BPCL Fuel Stations where the functionality is enabled.
  • If the amount paid in advance is partially used, the balance amount is immediately refunded to the bank account of the customer.
  • If the money paid in advance is not used within 48 hours, the same will automatically be refunded to the bank account from where debited.
  • The technology provides the customer with control of fueling as well as touch less pre-payment solution. 
  • With the dispensing unit getting automatically preset for the value of fuel paid for by him/her in advance and eliminates any manual intervention at the point of sale.
  • Thus, no need to check zero before fueling or final reading, the dispensing unit will automatically dispense the exact quantity of fuel.
  • Also, it is effective across the stakeholder chain right from the Company officials to end-user including Dealers, Managers and Driveway Salesmen (DSM).

UFill is yet another milestone in Company’s digital transformation journey that is aimed to improve customer’s turn-around time (TAT) at fuel outlet and increase transactional transparency, thereby providing enhanced retail like experience.

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